
contact lense

Contact lens wearers should never ignore these symptoms

Our eyes are designed to protect themselves naturally from irritation with tears and blinking. But our eyes can also be susceptible to conjunctivitis, an inflammation or infection of the thin layer of tissue that lines the inner surface of the eyelid and covers the white part of the eye. You might know conjunctivitis by a…

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botox cosmetics

Who better to make your eyes look better?

You trust your eye doctor to help you make sure you have good vision and healthy eyes. But he can also help you look good, and we’re not just talking colored contacts or stylish eyeglass frames. Botox at the eye doctor Dr. Croley has been using Botox to help smooth his patients’ wrinkles for many…

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eye allergies

Protecting your amazing cornea

Your cornea is the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of your eye, and as the outermost layer, it’s designed to withstand minor injuries and abrasions. The cornea is highly sensitive, and if scratched can cause tearing and pain. But healthy cells quickly slide over to patch the injury before infection occurs that could…

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The Truth About Colored Contacts

Not that many decades ago, it would have been impossible to think that you could have any other eye color than the one you were born with. But since the invention and extremely successful use of contact lenses, we’ve been able to experiment with our eye color in ways our grandparents couldn’t have imagined. You…

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Eye Care

What Eye Color Can Mean About You

Among families, there can certainly be eye color similarities, but contrary to what you may have learned in high school science class, there’s more than a single gene involved in determining your eye color. That’s why, for example, there can be different hues of brown eyes all within your immediate family. And whether your eyes…

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Cornea Transplant

Why you might need a cornea transplant

There’s probably nothing more disconcerting than feeling like there’s something weird going on with your vision. Maybe things look oddly cloudy or distorted, or maybe you’re even having unusual eye pain. Anytime you feel like you’re not seeing things the way you normally do, you should come in and see us. You could have a…

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Do your eyelids make it hard to see?

When our patients over 50 come to us complaining of headaches from doing many of their normal activities, such as reading and watching TV or working on their computers, we will perform vision tests, including one that measures their peripheral vision. That’s because as we age, our eyelid skin can become saggy to the point…

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Diabetic Eye Treatment

Diabetic Eye Disease – There Is Hope!

For those who aren’t familiar, diabetic eye disease is actually several serious eye conditions that affect people with diabetes, including: Diabetic retinopathy – Causes changes to retinal blood vessels which can distort vision; it is the most common cause of vision loss in diabetics Diabetic macular edema — DME is a consequence of diabetic retinopathy that causes…

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End a time-consuming routine with beautiful results

What if you could hop out of the shower, throw on your clothes and completely skip putting on your make-up? Yet still head out the door looking your best? You can. Here’s how: Rediscover your life with permanent make-up In the hands of a skilled professional such as those at Central Florida Eye Institute, your…

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