Most people grew up with some awareness of the benefits of taking a multivitamin. As children, our parents may have given us vitamin gummies every morning before school. Depending on your age, your parents may have given you those chalky Flintstones vitamins. As we come into adulthood, we may not keep up our vitamin habit, but we still understand that it’s beneficial and may help us age better. The benefits of proper nutrient supplementation is good for all parts of the body, including the eyes. If you’re over the age of 40, you may have started to notice slight changes in your vision. Maybe it’s gotten more difficult to read labels and other print. Maybe, when you read, you have to wear reading glasses. These are indications that you have presbyopia, a common age-related vision problem. It may be “normal” to get presbyopia, which happens because the eyes’ lenses get more rigid over time, it can be frustrating. Here, we discuss whether or not an eye supplement might help slow this process and help your vision age more gracefully.
Vitamins to Help Treat Presbyopia
As an experienced ophthalmologist who understands the interplay between the eyes, vision, and general health, Dr. Croley is a supporter of eye supplements for most people. When people present with the symptoms of presbyopia, the common remedies are to wear eyeglasses, use blue light filters, and limit screen time. These might help, but they do not actually support the aging eyes. Eye supplements are safe and effective, and they support the various functions of the eyes from the inside out. The various nutrients that are used in eye supplement formulations have been extensively studied and found to work at a cellular level. Just like eating a healthy diet can help support the vast array of physical functions, a quality eye supplement provides the specific nutrients that are used by the eyes to sustain their delicate structures.
Some of the common nutrients that are supportive of eye health include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc, and lutein. These nutrients are found in a variety of foods. For example, if you include a fair amount of fish in your diet, you’re likely getting an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. If you consume fresh fruit several times a week, you’re likely getting plenty of vitamin C. Some people take these vitamins and nutrients as individual supplements. While it’s absolutely possible to do so, a special formulation for eye support can provide the needed nutrients in one product, limiting the number of pills a person has to take every day.
If you’re starting to notice that you have to hold items farther from your eyes to read them clearly, chances are you’re developing presbyopia. To get a firm understanding of your vision and how your eyes may be changing, schedule a routine eye exam with a trusted ophthalmologist. In our Ocala office, we can discuss the various ways to maintain healthy eyes, including the use of proprietary supplements as needed. Contact us at (352) 237-8400 for a convenient appointment time.