The current professional recommendation is that every child has a comprehensive eye exam by age three. After that point, annual eye exams are needed in conjunction with behavioral monitoring that may identify symptoms of visual difficulties. A child who sits close to the television, moves objects closer to see them or who squints when they…
Archive | Pediatric Eye Care
Eye Care Tips for Students
Children of all ages are back in the classroom, ready for another year of learning. If you’re like most parents, the onset of the school year coinciding with the last days of summer fun created just enough chaos to stand in the way of those before-school checkups. Even if you planned to schedule your students’…
Are There Children in Your Life? Here’s What You Should Know about Their Eyes!
At Central Florida Eye Institute, we primarily serve the needs of an adult patient population. However, we are aware that August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. In light of this, we think it would be valuable to discuss the necessity for annual eye exams for children. If you have a young child or…