You may know conjunctivitis as pink eye. This inflammatory condition affects the white part of the eye, turning it red or pink with irritation. What is important to know about conjunctivitis is that this condition may be limited to short-lived inflammation or it may be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. In some cases, home remedies such as applying cool compresses and artificial tears sufficiently reduce inflammation until the problem resolves naturally. However, some patients need antibiotic eye drops to address infection.
Symptoms of conjunctivitis include:
- Red or pink whites of the eyes
- Itching
- Excessive tearing
- Thick discharge from the eyes
A stye is a bump on the eyelid. This bump may form on the outer edge where the eyelashes sprout or just under the lash line near the surface of the eye. Sties form when an eyelash follicle gets clogged with oil and bacteria, causing swelling. In addition to a bump on the eyelid, a stye may cause:
- Grittiness or a foreign body sensation in the eye
- Tearing
- Crusting around an eyelash or along the lash line
Sties are bumps caused by oil and, sometimes, bacteria in an eyelash follicle. They may be similar to the average pimple. Like pimples, sties should never be popped or squeezed. This could increase swelling and inflammation and even invite infection. If a stye does not go away with warm compresses applied several times a day, see an eye doctor. Antibiotic ointment may be needed to resolve the problem.
Corneal Abrasion
The cornea sits at the very front of the eye, in front of the iris and lens. An abrasion is a scratch. A corneal abrasion may occur when a small particle of dust, hair, or another material enters the eye. Often, when something gets into the eye, we instinctively rub. This can cause an abrasion or make it worse. Being that a scratch on the cornea is a small divot, there is a risk that a corneal abrasion could lead to infection. Prescription eye drops may be used to prevent this.
Symptoms of a corneal abrasion include:
- Excessive eye watering
- Pain
- Redness
- A gritty sensation in the eye
We care about your eye health. For help diagnosing and treating common eye symptoms, call (352) 237-8400.