When was the last time you had your eyes checked? What about a screening for glaucoma? As January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, it is important that you know about this condition and how it can lead to vision loss. You also need to know that there is no cure for glaucoma. As a result, it is…
Archive | Glaucoma
3 Questions You May Have During National Glaucoma Awareness Month
Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss and blindness. It is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States. It’s National Glaucoma Awareness Month, and here at Dr. Thomas Croley’s office, we want to ensure our patients are as informed as possible about this…
Glaucoma FAQs
Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that we don’t talk about enough. As the world’s leading cause of blindness, glaucoma certainly deserves some attention. And those who are at risk of developing this disease deserve some education about how to spot the signs of vision changes early, when treatment may be most effective. Here, we…
Reasons to See Your Ophthalmologist for a Glaucoma Screening
Have you seen an ophthalmologist for a full, dilated eye exam? Has it been some time since your eyes have been screened for glaucoma? If so, now is a great time to contact our Ocala office and schedule a visit. Here, we specialize in helping adults of all ages enjoy optimal eye health. We do…
Glaucoma Should Be On Your Radar
As we get older, many potential concerns pop up on our radar. We become aware of lines and wrinkles on the face. We may be told that we should watch what we eat to avoid high blood pressure or high cholesterol. For many adults, vision also becomes somewhat of a matter of importance. Vision is…
What Do You Know About Glaucoma?
One of the crucial aspects of healthcare is to ensure patients are aware of their risks for various conditions. Eye diseases don’t often get the attention that is needed to increase the level of awareness people have. We must learn to recognize risks, signs, and the value of early diagnosis if we wish to decrease…
Should I Get a Glaucoma Screening?
With much of the focus of eye health placed on vision, it is easy to overlook potential risks for serious eye conditions like glaucoma. Unless you are aware of a family history or unique risk for this potentially blinding eye disease, you may not realize you could benefit from tests that revolve around the signs…
Can You Spot the Signs of Glaucoma?
Eye health isn’t something we think much about. Most of our life, our eyes will provide us with the sense of sight we expect. However long we’ve relied on our eyesight, it is important to recognize that this is a sense that can diminish. Many people have some degree of expectation that their eyes will…
Do You Know how to Live with Glaucoma?
As Glaucoma Awareness Month comes to an end, we want to discuss ways in which people with this eye condition can support their eye health. In our recent blog, we discussed how glaucoma affects the eyes and how it can cause vision loss if treatment does not begin early. Statistics put glaucoma at the top…
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. Let’s Talk!
Glaucoma is a grouping of eye diseases that warrants deep and consistent discussion. Because millions of people are currently affected by glaucoma and millions more are predicted to develop this disease at some point, we cannot do too much to increase awareness. Experts have estimated that the number of people with glaucoma will reach a…