
Top Benefits of HydroEye® Softgels Vitamins for Dry Eye Disease

Statistics from the American Academy of Ophthalmology show that around 20 million people in the United States have dry eye disease, or DED. This number continues to grow annually, leaving many individuals with uncomfortably dry, itchy eyes. The use of HydroEye®, a soft gel vitamin that can work to relieve the symptoms of dry eye while supporting your…

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macular degeneration

What Is the Treatment for Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration is a relatively common but serious vision disease that can result in a severe loss of central vision. In some extreme cases, it can even lead to total blindness, although this is rare. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for macular degeneration. However, the right treatments can slow the progression of this disease and…

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January Is Glaucoma Awareness Month: Is There a Cure?

When was the last time you had your eyes checked? What about a screening for glaucoma? As January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, it is important that you know about this condition and how it can lead to vision loss. You also need to know that there is no cure for glaucoma. As a result, it is…

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Eyelid surgery

Why Would I Need Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that tightens and repairs the muscles located in the eyelids. Although many patients choose to have this surgery to remove excess fat and sagging skin from around their eyes to improve signs of aging, there are several medical conditions that this surgery can improve. Why…

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first eye exam

What to Expect at Your First Eye Exam

Are things you see becoming blurry? Do you find yourself straining to see things far away? If so, you will want to schedule a visit to the ophthalmologist for an eye exam. If this is your first time getting an eye exam, you may feel a little nervous. We have broken down the process step-by-step so…

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Exploring Methods for Effective Dry Eye Treatment

When your eyes are not producing enough lubricating fluid, it is possible that you have dry eye disease. This deficiency in tear production can cause discomfort, inflammation, and damage to your eye’s surface. Thankfully, dry eye treatment exists. However, it involves identifying the source of your discomfort first before choosing the right treatment method. What Causes Dry…

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cataract surgery

Do You Need Cataract Surgery?

When it comes to cataracts, delaying treatment or failing to recognize the signs might have negative consequences. Cataracts are a leading cause of visual impairment and blindness if not properly treated. They can develop thicker and darker with time, which might increase surgical difficulties and prolong the recovery period. If your symptoms are minimal, you…

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Am I a Good Candidate for Lasik Eye Surgery?

LASIK is a revolutionary refractive surgery that helps address vision conditions like hyperopia and myopia. It also serves as a legitimate cure for astigmatism. With its exceptionally high success rate, many people have turned to LASIK for crystal clear vision. If you have specific issues with your vision that you are looking to address, LASIK could…

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Understanding How Diabetes Can Affect the Eyes

Diabetes is a condition that affects how the body utilizes glucose. Diabetes leads to excess sugar in the blood, and this leads to a wide range of issues in the body. One part of the body that is affected by diabetes is the eyes. Understanding how diabetes and increased blood sugar affect the eyes is…

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