Archive | Eye Conditions

Lasik Eye Surgery Ocala, FL

What’s That Floating Through Your Vision?

Floaters is a term used to describe a common visual phenomenon that many adults experience at some point. In our Ocala office, many patients ask what these visual apparitions are and if they should be concerned. Here, we discuss some of the typical questions that patients have about this condition. What are eye floaters? Floaters…

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Eye Conditions Ocala, FL

We Can Clear Up the Source of Those Tears

Tears aren’t just something you see when you cry. You may not give much thought to your eyes overall, but we assume that most people know there is a tear film that is always present, keeping the surface of the eye lubricated and functional. Chances are you’ve experienced dry eyes at least once in your…

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Eye Conditions Ocala FL

What is at the Heart of Eye Irritation?

Chronic eye irritation is a complaint that eye doctors tend to hear more frequently than others. Patients express that their eyes feel scratchy or gritty; that they feel wet or are watering so much that they need to be patted dry several times a day. These sensations may coincide with redness and burning or itching,…

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Eye Conditions Ocala, FL

Eyelid Swelling May Need a Doctor’s Care

Puffy, swollen eyes are sometimes a product of our own doing. For example, when we stay up too late working on an important project, or just watching a movie, the tissue around our eyes may be bloated with a bit of fluid. This type of eyelid swelling typically subsides once we are upright and moving…

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eye conditions Ocala, FL

Your Eyes Need a Good Cleansing, Too!

When we think about feeling clean and fresh, we may consider the time we spend brushing and flossing our teeth or using oral rinse for minty-fresh breath. Hygiene, for most of us, involves face-washing and removing makeup, it involves showering, laundering and washing our hands before cooking or eating. These are all very good, and…

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Eye care services Ocala, FL

The Eyes as an Important Aspect of Women’s Health

Men and women each face unique health matters as they age. Generally, we associate these needs with reproductive health and the individuality of hormonal changes that each gender experiences respectively. It is easy to stop here when trying to navigate a healthy aging process, but we encourage our patients, women especially, to mind their eye…

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Eye Conditions Ocala, FL

What Is That Growth in My Eye?

When you look at yourself in the mirror, you expect to see certain things. A fleshy growth on the surface of either eye doesn’t fall into the category of “normal.” The presence of any extra matter in the eye could cause a great deal of alarm. Before spinning into a web of worry, contact Central…

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